ThinkTest in brief

ThinkTest is a personality test based on more than 20 years of expertise. It is based on certain meta programs from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). It allows us to know our strengths better and develop them while signaling to us the pitfalls so we can avoid them more easily.

ThinkTest does not categorize or judge. Rather, it gives a portrait of the individual at that time, based on responses provided by filling out the questionnaire. The responses to the simple, everyday situations presented in the questionnaire make it difficult to predict results.

ThinkTest allows you to know yourself and your colleagues better, including those within the same team.

ThinkTest is supported by the IT platform Zoho cloud. It is a cloud technology that allows you to safely, know your strengths and competencies both on an individual level and in relation to others, all within a few clicks and in less than 30 minutes.

ThinkTest also allows you to define your work performance zones better which in turn helps you balance your time for the activities to be carried out in these areas. ThinkTest may, in some cases, identify those at risk of becoming depressed, psychologically distressed and even burning out.

Burnout is the scourge of modern times that is gaining increasingly in epidemic proportions globally. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2020 depression will become the second leading cause of disability in the world just after cardiovascular diseases.

There are no good or bad profiles, the goal being to understand the different personality types better, what motivates people, and to understand and appreciate the differences between them. And finally, if you wish, ThinkTest allows you to manage your teams and human resources more effectively.

The foundations that have served as the basis for the design of ThinkTest were initiated in North America and profiles that have resulted are used in several countries and in several languages. ThinkTest can therefore rely on the expertise of more than 70,000 profiles.

In summary, ThinkTest is a Lean tool, supported by a Lean technology, integrated into a Lean process and at a Lean price that offers a lot and even more.

Profiles done so far

Foundations and Methodology

Arising from Maieutik profiles ThinkTest derives its source from Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP aims to model and emulate best practices that help us to act, communicate, respond and seek to improve ourselves while learning about self and others.

On the one hand, NLP seeks to isolate and describe how a successful behavior differs from habitual behavior. To accomplish this, one isolates the necessary and sufficient elements to explain the success observed in experts and that then allow for the reproduction of this competence. On the other hand, the model aims to make the procedure concrete in order to teach and transmit this knowledge and / or attitude. –Wikipedia

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